10 Year Guarantee All Garden Tools
Next Day Delivery Available

How to Claim

1 Buy a BBQ

Buy a participating barbecue between 2nd March & 30th April 2023.

2 Create a Weber-ID

Go to weber.com, click on the Weber-ID button and follow the steps to create a Weber-ID account.

3 Register your BBQ

Once you have created a Weber-ID, log in to register your BBQ. Qualifying BBQs purchased before the end of 30th of April can be registered until 14th May 2023 to claim the free Pizza Stone (a valid receipt is required).

4 Claim your Pizza Stone 

Once your barbecue has been registered, you will receive an email to claim your free Pizza Stone. Follow the steps to redeem your free Pizza Stone.


Terms of conditions apply. Visit weber.com for details.