Summer has arrived, well almost. Time to get out there and mow that lawn, sow those beds and enjoy your outdoor piece of paradise.
According to the Royal Horticultural Society, the top ten jobs to get on with this month in the garden are as follows:
- Watch out for late frosts. Protect tender plants
- Earth up potatoes, and promptly plant any still remaining
- Plant out summer bedding at the end of the month (except in cold areas)
- Water early and late to get the most out of your water, recycle water when possible
- Regularly hoe off weeds
- Open greenhouse vents and doors on warm days
- Mow lawns weekly
- Check for nesting birds before clipping hedges
- Lift and divide overcrowded clumps of daffodils and other spring-flowering bulbs
- Watch out for viburnum beetle and lily beetle grubs
With this advice in mind, the tool of the month for May is the Wolf Garten Multi Change Dutch Hoe.
Where would any good gardener be without his hoe? And as far as hoes go, you can't beat a dutch one!
Regular customer, Wolf Garten enthusiast and friend of the team at World of Wolf; Lionel Bainbridge is so fond his dutch hoe, he affectionately refers to it as Helga!
You can get your own Helga here: - Wolf Garten Multi Change Dutch Hoe (handles sold separately).